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Need of Jesus – A Favorite Prayer

I'm sharing a beautiful reminder today of our need for Jesus.  When you get a quiet moment read and pray over these words: @mferrell

I have appreciated The Valley Of Vision – A Collection of Puritan Prayer and Devotions to lead me in my morning prayer time. I’m sharing a beautiful reminder today of our need for Jesus. When you get a quiet moment read and pray over these words:

Need of Jesus

I am blind, be thou my light,
ignorant, be thou my wisdom
self-willed, be thou my mind
Open my ear to grasp quickly thy Spirit’s voice,
and delightfully run after his beckoning hand;
Melt my conscience that no hardness remain,
make it alive to evil’s slightest touch;
When Satan approaches may I flee to thy wounds,
and there cease to tremble at all alarms.
Be my good shepherd to lead me into the green pastures of thy Word,
and cause me to lie down beside the rivers of its comforts.
Fill me with peace, that no disquieting worldly gales
may ruffle the calm surface of my soul.
Thy cross was upraised to be my refuge,
Thy blood streamed forth to wash me clean,
Thy death occurred to give me a surety,
Thy name is my property to save me,
By thee all heaven is poured into my heart,
but it is too narrow to comprehend thy love.
I was a stranger, an outcast, a slave, a rebel,
but thy cross has brought me near,
has softened my heart,
has made me thy Father’s child,
has admitted me to thy family,
has made me joint-heir with thyself.
O that I may love thee as thou loves me,
that I may walk worthy of thee, my Lord,
that I may reflect the image of heaven’s first-born
May I always see thy beauty with the clear eye of faith,
and feel the power of thy Spirit in my heart,
for unless he move mightily in me
no inward fire will be kindled.

~ Excerpt taken from The Valley of Vision – A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions page 102



  1. Dianne Plourde says:

    Loved this so much and know that this sort of devotional is needed in my life at this time. Thank you so much for sharing it. I’ve ordered the book!

    1. Marci Ferrell says:

      Dianne I know it will be a blessing to you xo

  2. Thank you so much, Marci! What a beautiful prayer. Our pastor, Mark Altrogge, has written a song based on this prayer, called “I Come Running.” It’s on the Sovereign Grace Music album “Valley of Vision, ” and really captures the heart of this prayer.

    1. Marci Ferrell says:

      Lisa – Valley of Vision was my first Sovereign Grace CD so many years ago and had me hooked. Love singing theology! I need to add the link to that CD to this post – thank you for sharing that Lisa xo

  3. Christine says:

    This was beautiful, thanks for sharing. I need my Lord every day, especially during this time in my life where I am going through a chronic illness. Your post was perfect timing for me. The only thing I would say different is that when satan approaches, may HE flee from ME as I resist him, as the word tells us! (Though I understand what the author is conveying) 🙂

    1. Marci Ferrell says:

      Praying for you Christine in this difficult season you’re in and that the Lord would continue to draw you closer to Him and continue to grow you in His grace and knowledge and in your love for Him. Your comment brings to mind James 4:7 – thank you so much for sharing xoxo.

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